Friday, September 4, 2009

Braggin' Rights

This first week of school has been busy - I never would have thought that I would have taught first grade for TWO days! In a month or so, but never the first week of school. But I did. The kids were a lot of fun - such a good class.

But working two days have put me what seems like two days behind in all my other stuff. After staying busy yesterday and making a few phone calls this morning, I think I'm just about caught up. I still need to make it to an off-base store to buy a few more school supplies that the BX is out of.

Drew has today off as a "down-day" or as his office calls is a "family day". He got to sleep in and right now is veggie in front of the TV...with the lap-top playing chess. His new game. We plan to do lunch out and finish up those school-supply errands.

Should be a good day! We plan to end it at the base party. Last base party I won tickets to a show downtown and two cases of canned coffee.

Which may not sound good to you, but this coffee is the BEST!! It's called Royal Mills Kona Black. I just call it amazing.

If you need some good encouraging reading go here. It's an interview of a daughter of one of my college roommates. Alana is on her way to making records in the running world.

Oh, yeah. She's 12. Just a few months older than William. Now, she's amazing!

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Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy