Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spanish Steps

Melissa & I at the top on the way back to the car.

The view from the top.

William getting ready to make the climb back to the top.

The limestone islands

more limestone islands

My new favorite place in Guam: Spanish Steps. It's located on Big Navy. It's about a mile from the parking area to the water....with a drop of 160 feet straight down.

The hike is not for the faint of heart....several places along the trial its a straight drop down. But so worth the hike. There's ropes and even old stairs at places to help you make the climb. While the beach is total coral - no sand in sight - the snorkeling is probably the best I have seen on Guam. At no other place on the island have I seen so many different kids of fish....even got to see a few Nemos! Cute little things!! One purple fish stared at me for the longest time....I guess he was trying to figure out what type of fish I was.

While I didn't have an underwater camera, I did take several pictures of the limestone island (which reminded me of Palau - lot of limestone islands there).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just read your post about the Spanish Steps. I am going to be in Guam soon and I'd to check it out, is there anyway for civilians to get there?

Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy