Monday, February 4, 2008

Humor at Church

As they were introducing visitors we realized we were sitting in the mist of several deployed from Mississippi Air National Guard from Meridian. During the welcome time we said hello and that we, too were from MS….parents still there…grew-up in there…we meet at Ole Miss.

One guy said, “OLE MISS?!! Yuck! I’m a state fan” as he pointed to his MS state watch.

Another guy asked what Drew did in the AF.

ME: “He’s OSI”

State fan: “Oohhh, man! Ole Miss and OSI!!" as he hangs and shakes his head.

ME: “It just gets worse and worse for you, doesn’t it?”


Since we were starting a new Sunday school, we went around and introduced our selves and told a little bit about ourselves.

Joe, husband of a friend, said, “I became a Christian at the age of 12 because of a drug problem. You see I was “drugged” to church every week.”

Who says Christians don’t have a sense of humor!!

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Leaping For Joy