Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Hopping Adventure: 4

What a great hop!! When we got to the terminal, there were about a dozen or so people ahead of us with only 10 seats. But at roll call, they released 25 seats - four of which was ours!! We left Guam by 3. It was an eight hour flight to Hi. I thought we would have a 12 to 18 (maybe even 20) hour delay for crew rest, but they just placed a new crew on board and we only had a two hour lay-over. Then we were off to Shreveport in seven hours.

Drew's counter-part at the base is a friend and he meet us on the flight-line and took great care of us! We did have to wait almost an hour for a luggage, but then he took us to the front gate where my parents were waiting.

The flight was a contract where World Airlines is hired to transport troops to and from bases, so we were on a regular plane with regular seats - no sling seats!!

It was just a great time hopping!

As I said to Melissa: God is good...all the time!

We are currently at my brother's house and tomorrow we will drive up to my parents house and will stay there for a week or so.

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Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy