Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Tourist

Today I played the tourist and went through Independence Hall - again. I went through it three years ago with the family and friends. I thought is was funny how not only did the guide talk about where George Washington and Thomas Jefferson sat, he also pointed out where things happened in the movie: National Treasures. I also got to go to a service at Christ Church. Its one of the oldest churches in the country (if not the oldest). It was a really nice mid-week communion service. And the pastor? She did a great job.

Yeah, she - still a little odd for this baptist to see that, but she was very good and later I found out from MS. She even went to "The W" for college.

Yesterday I did get to Fabric Alley, but was disappointed. It was most fabric for suits, bridals dresses, and furniture. What little cotton I did see just didn't scream out to me, "Take me!! I worth a place in your suitcase!!!"

One thing I have really enjoyed yesterday and today was just sitting on a bench in the shade behind Independence Hall and reading and people watching.

All alone.


Another thing I have enjoyed it after Drew and I have dinner we would walk around and maybe even find a bench and just hang out and talk.

Also, heaven.

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Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy