Monday, December 21, 2009

All's Well...

All is well on this end of the Earth. The kids are very excited about Christmas - especially since there are now presents under the trees. I had all the presents hidden in my closet until after our office party Saturday night.

Which went fine - I think everyone had a good time. Part of our office party is to walk down Rota Walk. Rota was all decked out - the Griswalls would have been so happy! The kids came home with more candy than they know what to do with! (Rota Walk is a tradition here on Andersen - Rota Drive is the street with most of the commanders and they all decorate their houses - and I do mean decorate. Even heavy machinery....its' great, really. I promise. And they hand out goodies. This year was lots of candy as well as cookies, cupcakes, small toys....lots of stuff! Also, groups from the Chapel as well as the high school perform.)

And as soon as I find where they hid the loot, I'll get rid of it for them! Waaaay tooo much sugar!!

The only thing great and exciting we have planned for our Christmas vacation is Ben's baptism on Christmas Day. Drew and I are very thrilled!

And a little jealous- he'll be baptised at in the ocean at the beach on base just after a beach side Christmas Day service.

How cool is that!!????

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Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy