Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Grandmother is Rolling Over in Her Grave

This morning was our turn to bring breakfast to Sunday School this morning. I bought biscuits and sausage balls. One guy asked what they were and I said, "They're sausage balls - their Southern - try them. They're good."

Then he said,"Oh, are you from the South?"

My mouth said yes, but my mind was saying "You can't tell from my accent??!! Oh, my, Momma Lee is rolling over in her grave that I've lost my accent!!"

The sausage balls went slow at first, but by the end of class they were all gone...yummy as usual!

Not too much going on in Paradise. We did go to the beach yesterday, Tarague that's on the base. They've clean it up some -cleared out a lot of bushes, etc and added a playground. We didn't get in the water due to William's stitches. We ended up going out to eat downtown last night then walked along Gun beach to watch the waves come in -they were really big last night -almost large enought to surf on. A storm was off shore stirring up the water.

Today we watched the LSU/FL game. You know, if you are ahead by 10 pts most of the game and you lose - you deserve to lose. Tonight we are having some friends over for dinner then cards. We are all looking forward to being off tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You sound Southern to me :) Glad to hear that you managed to stay out of the ER this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well, last time I talked to you, your accent was fully in tact! I don't think you could have lost THAT much in a few months, could you?
I'm lovin' getting to hear about your life.
Lots of love!

Anonymous said...

Kelly without an accent is like ice tea without the ice. The man needs to get his hearing checked!!!!


Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy