Thursday, August 14, 2008

VBS Week

We got home just in time to participate in the Chapel's VBS. The only bad thing is that it's at night...just about the time that jet-lag hits and we all want to go to sleep.

But we are surviving...barely.

This year the theme is science. It's a great curiculumm. I've always been in churches that use the Lifeway program , but here the chapel is using a program by Group. I have always liked the Lifeway stuff, but I'm really impressed with this layout. They really have it organized very well.

The kids are really enjoying it. Each night has a catch-phrase that when the kids hear it they are to say: "A-ha!"

And they do.


With lots of feeling.

Phrases like "Jesus gives us the power to help others." Or "...the power to be brave." " be thankful" "...the power to life eternally" "...the power to tell others about God."

Last night we made slime - ooey - gooye slime. The kids loved it...nothing better that being able to gross out your mother than a handful of slime.

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Leaping For Joy

Leaping For Joy